Zionism Rephrased
Israel’s emigrants can play an important historical role in saving the democratic state from the destructive forces that threaten it from within. read full paper>> pdf format>>
Israel’s emigrants can play an important historical role in saving the democratic state from the destructive forces that threaten it from within. read full paper>> pdf format>>
Review of Freud’s Mourning and Melancholy read full review in Hebrew in Haaretz Review of Books>>
Originally published on the occasion of the new Hebrew Translation to Freud’s Civilization and its Discontent this article recounts the history of Freuds Hebrew translations. Read full review in Hebrew in Haaretz >>
The Umbilical Cord of Psychoanalysis: Freud’s Theory of Dreams In this article, originally written on the occasion of the New Hebrew translation to Freud’s “The Interpretation of Dreams” ([2007] 1900), I consider Freud’s Dream theory in light of the paradigmatic shifts that characterised his thinking as well as post-Freudian psychoanalytic
The concept of anxiety has been haunting psychoanalytic theory from its earliest days. The omnipresence of “the mother of all affects” in various models of the mind could thus be regarded as the Shibboleth of each model’s basic assumptions and epistemological foundations. It further seems that although anxiety does not
Between Technique and Ethic, Between Hermeneutics and Science: Freud’s right guess This paper reviews Freud’s papers on technique and reappraises them in light of contemporary psychoanalytic discourse. By sketching the historical background to these texts and by examining the dialectical tension between modern scientific and hermeneunicist currents within psychoanalysis the paper
Die Etabilierung der Psychoanalyse im Juedischen Palaestina/Israel The paper examines the interplay between Eastern and Central European intellectual traditions in the establishment of psychoanalysis in Palestine/Israel. Read full paper in German in Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse>>
paper read before the Polish Psychoanalytic Society that was consequently published in the Society’s bulletin. read the paper in Polish>>
Der vorliegende Beitrag enthält Überlegungen zur Lektüre, zur Lehre und zur Übersetzung des Freudschen Werks; ferner zum Übersetzen ganz allgemein und zu einer möglichen Verwandtschaft zwischen Übersetzung und analytischem Prozess. Read the paper as published in Psyche>>
The Psychoanalytic Movement and its first encounter with National Socialism in Hebrew The paper reconstructs and critically evaluates the history of the psychoanalytic movement in the years following the Nazi Party’s accession to power in Germany. The article highlights the first reactions of Sigmund Freud’s closest disciples to the course