The Jewish Offensive
Chapter 1 in Laurence Brown Ed. On Freud's Moses. Routledge 2022
Chapter 1 in Laurence Brown Ed. On Freud's Moses. Routledge 2022
Der Korpus an Briefen, den Freud hinterließ, ist einer der umfangreichsten, der in der jüngeren Gegenwart erhalten ist. Heute, 80 Jahre nach seinem Tod, ist es offenkundig, dass die Zivilisation ohne die Überlieferung von Manuskripten herausragender Figuren in der Menschheitsgeschichte weitergeht. Genau deshalb führt uns die Begegnung mit Freuds Briefen
Dans des essais précédents et dans mon livre Freud à Jérusalem : La psychanalyse face au sionisme (Antilope, 2017), j’ai recherché les conditions mentales et historiques dans lesquelles la pratique de la psychanalyse est devenue possible en Israël dans la première moitié du xxe siècle. Je soutiens qu’au-delà de la catastrophe européenne qui a conduit
Over the course of his lifetime, Freud made gifts of more than twenty rings set with ancient gems bearing images from Greek and Roman mythology. He himself wore, at different points in his life, more than one of the rings from the collection. The rings on display in the exhibition
Entre los politólogos hay una tendencia a clasificar el suicidio―asesinato junto con otras formas convencionales de terror que, en mi opinión, reducen el análisis a su valor estratégico o pragmático. Esta puede ser una reacción razonable a las embarazosas “autopsias psíquicas” que realizan los psicólogos militares, en particular después del
The paper offers some thoughts on reading and teaching Freud, on translating Freud, on translation in general, and on a possible kinship between translation and the psychoanalytic process. My reading of Freud’s works, and the years I spent translating them into Hebrew and editing Hebrew editions of his writings, have
At the turn of the 19 Century, when the Freudian paradigm took its first steps toward becoming a modern amalgam of science and hermeneutics, history was considered the most established and instrumental discipline in man’s quest to endow his thinking and action with meaning. The kinship between the disciplines, which
A letter from Paula Heimann to her training analyst, Theodor Reik, written shortly before her emigration from Berlin to London, sheds light on some technical controversies and personal animosities that shaped psychoanalytic clinical discourse in the early 1930s, as well as on Heimann’s subsequent development as a clinician. A close reading of
Few chapters in the historiography of psychoanalysis are as densely packed with trans-cultural, ideological, institutional, and moral issues as the coming of psychoanalysis to Jewish Palestine – a geopolitical space which bears some of the deepest scars of twentieth-century European, and in particular German, history. From the historical as well
Between Technique and Ethic, Between Hermeneutics and Science: Freud’s right guess This paper reviews Freud’s papers on technique and reappraises them in light of contemporary psychoanalytic discourse. By sketching the historical background to these texts and by examining the dialectical tension between modern scientific and hermeneunicist currents within psychoanalysis the paper